Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Alternative Business Model Canvas templates – The two-sided business model

I have been exploring the use of the BMG Business Model Canvas and possible alternative canvas templates that do not change the core concepts or the language of Business Model Generation (BMG) (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010). A first experiment with respect to co-creation can he found here and a second experiment with (service) bundling can be found here.

One of the patterns in the BMG book is the multi-sided platform, The core idea is that there are distinct types of customers, e.g. eBay has buyers and sellers. Note that this should not be confused with differentiating between different customer segments. Because the value proposition, channels, relationships and customer segments can be quite different per group, it may sometimes be useful to use a canvas that more explicitly differentiated between different groups. This is most easily for two-sided markets (a specific type of multi-sided platform), like eBay, where there will be two different customers groups. Two examples of an alternative canvas templates are provided below.

See here for more information on different approaches to business models.

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